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Franklin Taggart

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Franklin Taggart began his consulting career in 1996 when asked to be a part of a corporate transition planning team. His specialty at the time was conflict preparation and response. He's worked with businesses and organizations of all sizes in that capacity.
In 2008 he shifted the focus of his practice to coaching independent creatives. His years of experience as a professional musician, and his experience in helping business leaders fostered a unique set of skills in his coaching practice. 
Franklin helps creatives in the process of business planning, audience development, and professional direction. In addition to his music career, Franklin has owned several small businesses, and he continues to explore new business opportunities. His interests in the past few years have included online course production, content marketing, conferencing technology, and social media storytelling. Franklin is an in demand speaker and presenter, and he facilitates Full Reset renewal retreats for individuals and groups in Northern Colorado.


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